Donate to a Team or Club…..

Friends, Family & Alumni:

We are reaching out to you in hopes that you might be willing to help the students and athletes of North Thurston High School.  Our goal is to raise $30,000 for our students and athletes for the 2023 – 2024 School Year.

Our North Thurston High School athletic programs are having great success and participation in athletics is growing. Our teams are full of terrific students and great athletes.  But more importantly, our athletic teams are helping our students become wonderful young men and women.

Funding high school extra-curricular activities is difficult. The school can only provide a limited budget for each team and that money is quickly exhausted on basic needs each year.  Athletes participate in additional fundraising and they work hard to do raise money for things like team building meals, recognition banquets, tournament fees, technology, organizing trips to visit universities for senior athletes, motivational guest speakers, improved weight training equipment and so on.

However, in today’s world, even the extra door-to-door fundraising efforts of our athletes is not enough to sustain a top-notch high school athletic program. The costs of additional equipment, apparel and technology are immense and the teams need your support to improve our student athletes.

Each individual athletic team has dedicated supporters who are seeking community members to donate. Your donation will go towards supporting the needs of the specific team whom you choose.  In addition, a percentage of your donation will also be deposited into the NTHS Booster Club General Fund to help continue giving grants, scholarships and supporting all NTHS academic and extra-curricular programs.

You are also welcome to donate money directly to one of our many student Clubs.  The Robotics Club, Outdoor Club etc. would welcome your donation.

Thank you so much for supporting our students.

Go Rams!

Shaun Harmon
NTHS Booster Club President

Donate to a Team or Club…..


Friends, Family & Alumni:

We are reaching out to you in hopes that you might be willing to help the students and athletes of North Thurston High School.  Our goal is to raise $30,000 for our students and athletes.

Our North Thurston High School athletic programs are having great success and participation in athletics is growing. Our teams are full of terrific students and great athletes.  But more importantly, our athletic teams are helping our students become wonderful young men and women.

Funding high school extra-curricular activities is difficult. The school can only provide a limited budget for each team and that money is quickly exhausted on basic needs each year.  Athletes participate in additional fundraising and they work hard to do raise money for things like team building meals, recognition banquets, tournament fees, technology, organizing trips to visit universities for senior athletes, motivational guest speakers, improved weight training equipment and so on.

However, in today’s world, even the extra door-to-door fundraising efforts of our athletes is not enough to sustain a top-notch high school athletic program. The costs of additional equipment, apparel and technology are immense and the teams need your support to improve our student athletes.

Each individual athletic team has dedicated supporters who are seeking community members to donate. Your donation will go towards supporting the needs of the specific team whom you choose.  In addition, a percentage of your donation will also be deposited into the NTHS Booster Club General Fund to help continue giving grants, scholarships and supporting all NTHS academic and extra-curricular programs.

You are also welcome to donate money directly to one of our many student Clubs.  The Robotics Club, Outdoor Club etc. would welcome your donation.

Thank you so much for supporting our students.

Go Rams!

Shaun Harmon
NTHS Booster Club President