Purchase a 12′ x 18′ Rolling Flag for our new Gym!
There is excitement about the modernization of North Thurston High School and the new facilities that our children will
have the opportunity to enjoy. This should make everyone in the North Thurston High School family proud and excited
about the positive changes taking place. Since the new gym will be one of the faces of our school, I would really like to see
the new North Thurston High School gym reflect our pride in school and country. In that spirit, the plan is to raise money to
acquire and place a large motorized roll down flag in the new gym (see Attachment 1 – picture of the 12’ x 18’ flag made by
Morgan Rolling Flags, Inc.). The flag box will be decorated with the Ram Head logo on each end with the words “HOME OF
THE RAMS” between the two logos (See Attachment 2). When other schools and parents enter our gym, whether it be for
volleyball, basketball, wrestling, or other school activities, let’s send them home with the message that Ram Pride in our
school and country is strong.